Jungle Trekking

Trek through dense forests, hills or parks. Explore the world’s oldest rainforests and verdant hills. Don’t forget to bring along your camera as you discover some of the world’s rarest flowers, plants and wildlife, from the world’s biggest flower Rafflesia, biggest butterfly, Brooke Birdwing, rare pitcher plants to the kapur trees with crown leaves that will not overlap one another and many more.

With spectacular vistas, undulating terrains, primeval rainforests and national parks, Malaysia offers unlimited opportunities for a trekker to unlock the treasure trove of nature. Whether you are a seasoned or novice trekker, you will find Malaysia has a lot to offer through its jungle trails. While the outgoing and adventurous trekker may try to trek along difficult terrains, the casual trekker may just prefer to trek in forest reserves or parks. From the freshwater swamp forests of the Kinabatangan floodplain where Proboscis monkeys squat in treetops munching leaves, to the undisturbed dipterocarp rainforests of Taman Negara, one of Asia's finest conservation areas, trekking in Malaysia is a rich and rewarding experience. Camps are available in some places like national parks for those who would like to stay overnight after a tiring trekking.

Recommended Places to Visit:

  • Taman Negara
  • Mulu National Park
  • Kinabalu National Park
  • Endau Rompin National Park
  • Danum Valley
  • Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM)